
The rain is gone...

So, yes, two posts on one day...who knew right? This weekend was one of those weekends that you needed to have, but would not go back and do it again. I had two amazing "thinking" sessions in the last 24 hours. First, was on my drive home from Vegas. Then, today, walking my babies, Blackie and Mocha. We had a mini rainstorm last night and this morning...and now, it is absolutely gorgeous outside. You can see from Catalina to Mt. Baldy...absolutely gorgeous. And even though there are a
few clouds left in the sky (even grey ones) I feel like everything is cleaner and more beautiful. I feel like this is how my emotions have been in the last few days...it was YUCK for a while, but looks ok right now (even though I saw something that made me feel those disgust feelings all over again). Or as the song says so well "I can see clearly now, the rain is gone..."!

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