
From the Beach to the Asphalt

So...most people who talk to me know my lovely situation right now...so we wont talk about that...but at least I got a "home" weekend a week ago with the Huntington Beach AVP stop. Here is a photo of me and Paige from the fabulous Ken Delgado in Huntington Beach.

Despite being completely worn out, I tried to muster up some strength and go out on Sat night...I made it out for 30 minutes (nice huh)...At least I got two pics out of it! Hahahaha!

Then it was off to AZ for the Glendale stop. Luckily enough my mom and stepdad stayed the week in Scottsdale (so I came in early for some poolside action.

And, I was able to see one my closest friends growing up, Gina. And I got to meet her new hubby Chris! YEA!

So this weekend is Hermosa Beach...um...yea...not fun...but what can you do right?!

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