
Yummy Charleston, South Caroina

So this past weekend the AVPCroc Tour ventured over to Daniel's Island (aka Charleston), South Carolina. And with the exception of the elements (rain, humidity, mosquitoes) IT ROCKED! We played at the Family Circle Tennis Center (which is a beautiful location to have a tournament). Here are some photos from the tournament & player party.

After the tournament Misty invited me to dinner with her father, brother, sis-in-law, and Karch's parents (who are absolutely delightful). We had dinner at the Charleston Grill at the hotel Charleston Place (which is GORGEOUS). It had to be the best meal I have ever had or experienced! It pays to know the Soux Chef! Wow. I even tried fish and liver! YUCK but SO GOOD!

I will definitely go back to Charleston again...with a trip to Savannah!! YEA! ONE DAY!

Now I have a mini fake break for 5 days...then off to Reno & Minneapolis...YEA!

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