
A text from one of my libero's

I so had to share this text from one of my Blue Crush Libero's...


"Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl named Maddie🎀 Maddie was a short girl👇 her super power was to go in small places🙌 and pee blue fuzz🌀 One day she met this wicked troll named Christy👹 Christy was a red, ugly thing👵 She came from California⚓ so we think why she is so red is because she got sunburnt too many times💥 her super power was to zap people with her volleyball skills💢 she had this wicked spike that made people run for the hills🌄 Maddie asked the Troll, " Why hello...woah girl what happen?😳." "Well I stayed in the sun too long☀." "Wanna come play beach volleyball?" Said Christy. "Sure." Exclaimed Maddie⚡ So on their way there they faced a BIG TALL girl named Kennedy😱 Kennedy said, "What are you doing by my bridge boy?😡." "Ummm...um..going to play some beach volleyball😰." Stuttered Christy. "You have to get through me first!" Said Kennedy! So Maddie went zippy fast through Kennedy's nostrils👃 and went over the bridge🌌 They saw the courts just to jumbo mice away over the pink gum ball lake🌺🐭. Back in the trail Christy and Maddie were talking about positions and stuff🐑 Christi was a hitter and Maddie was a libero🐰 passing the pink gum ball river was a old lady name Ashton🐱 Ashton was a blonde haired whale loving son of a gun🐳 she asked what they were doing they said playing beach volleyball🐌 wanna come???🐄 And Ashton said let me go get my feller Kennedy🐞 so they stepped foot in the sand and played🐣 THE TEAM GOT GOLD AND WON THE BEACH VB OLYMPICS🐙 The end😄"

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