So we ventured into Derby country this past weekend for the AVP's return to Kentucky. And Kentucky did a great job of hosting. Great people and great crowds! Hahaha. It was interesting being on the Ohio river and next to (and under) and expressway!! Hahaha. Here are some photos from the weekend (and this weekend I made it out a couple of times)...
So, this past weekend was one of the grand daddy AVP tourney's in lovely Hermosa Beach, CA. Of course, there were some minor details that made this weekend incrediably rough and historic at the same time. From the record setting number of courts on Sat ( all time high) to Misty's record breaking win (73 wins is her record now). From the ultimate lows to my friends who supported me AND Misty's record!! about a long weekend (even if it was a 2-day main draw).
So...most people who talk to me know my lovely situation right we wont talk about that...but at least I got a "home" weekend a week ago with the Huntington Beach AVP stop. Here is a photo of me and Paige from the fabulous Ken Delgado in Huntington Beach.
Despite being completely worn out, I tried to muster up some strength and go out on Sat night...I made it out for 30 minutes (nice huh)...At least I got two pics out of it! Hahahaha!
Then it was off to AZ for the Glendale stop. Luckily enough my mom and stepdad stayed the week in Scottsdale (so I came in early for some poolside action. And, I was able to see one my closest friends growing up, Gina. And I got to meet her new hubby Chris! YEA!
So this weekend is Hermosa fun...but what can you do right?!
So...not that I am REALLY all that flattered by the pic....I made one of my fave vball photo's site! Woohoo! Who knew! My clinic even got a few pics on the Friday gallery!
Can't wait to see what happens in Huntington this weekend!!