First of all, I will blog on the LB AVP a little bit later. The past 4 days have been some of the rockiest days every. My baby boy, Mocha, has been on medication for the past week and on Mon evening started collapsing while breathing out of control. So, we took him to the ER for the night. When I picked him up on Tues morning,

they told me that they weren't too sure what was wrong, but that they thought he was having a toxic reaction to the intervectin he was taking. I took him straight to the vet from the ER and they kept him for the day. Once I picked him up from the vet, I took him home to see if we could handle him at home...BOY WAS I WRONG. I had to take him to the ER at

2am in the morning, after 2 hours of constant whining (which he rarely does) and uneasiness. In the morning I picked him up again and took him back to the vet. They decided to completely knock him out (so he would relax and sleep)

this time. When I went to pick him up yesterday the main vet came out to talk to me about my options (being that the cost of these procedures had tallied up to over $2,000 as of yesterday afternoon). I never really thought of the option of putting him to sleep, but I was made aware that this was a BIG reality if he did not start improving. Now, I have been crying a ton these past couple of days, but after getting back into my car I completely lost it. So I took him back to the ER for the evening and headed home.

As of today, both the ER and Vet's have commented that he improving steadily and they are happy with his progress. When I go to pick him up we will decide if i can take him home again! Now, he is not out of the woods yet, but at least I don't want to keel over and ball...ya know?