So, Jen, my new co-worker at the AVP invited me (and some staff) to her boyfriend's concert at the Key Club. Paperback Hero was opening for Metal Skool, a fabulous 80's hair

cover band! Haha! And Jen hooked me and my sis up VIP style the entire night! It started with some mingling in the back in the band bus (with PBH & others). From Ben Carey (currently touring in Lifehouse, but got his start in Savage Garden) to Danny Bonaduce (whose voice just rang through the air when he came in the bus)...it was an experience.

Then we went in and saw PBH perform. AMAZING! Brian, Jen's man and the lead singer of PBH, rocked the place. It was packed and totally alive. Ben was the guest guitarist for the evening and Toryn (look for him to be talked about soon) joined the group for the song "Call Out". AMAZING, btw.

Then Metal Skool came out...hahaha...STRAIGHT CLASSIC! They looked like literally came from 1988. It was AWESOME! And then they started calling out the names of the celebs in the audience (that we didn't know were there). And, to be honest, I am SO not a HEAVY METAL person, BUT I definitely know these groups! The bassist from Alice in Chains, the lead singer of Pantera, the lead singer of Disturbed, the lead singer and bassist from System of the Down, Coolio....hahaha, and a few more were named. Then the bassist from AinC and the lead singer of Disturbed came up and sang "Man in the Box" with the group...CHILLS! So much fun....AND ON A MONDAY NIGHT!
Here are the photos from the night....

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