For those who know, I am directing a new program for Mizuno Long Beach called the Beach Babes. It is a beginner's program that is more like a "local" program, where we have around 25 girls who practice a few times a week and 1 coach per 5-6 kids. And these youngin's are between the ages 6-12. CO CUTE! And, for those who truly know me, know that me and Pink are NOT FRIENDS. Hahaha...but for some reason I have been truly embracing my inner pink with these girls. Pink shirts, pink back packs, pink socks, pink sweats...oh yea, those kids go all out! CLASSIC!
Anyways, we had our first tournament this past weekend (imagine 25 kids and their parents experiencing a "controlled" club tournament for the first time). For the most part, I thought it went well! The kids played well and you can definitely see the improvement already! Of course, I have some fab coaches and help (from the kids on MLB scholarship)...
1 tournament down 4 more to go....here are a few pics from the tourney...
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