The day started off with a snorkling trip to the reef about 1 mile off the beach.
Then from there we grabbed some lunch and headed back to the beach. The winners of the tournaments throughout the week played with the pro's or against the pro's. From there we went back to get ready for "white night". I must say, the whiteness really made everyone look clean and crisp. And it was ironically very tropical as a result!

We ended up having a VBV dinner to thank everyone from the vacationer's to the pro's. Pure fun :). After dinner we headed over to the trapeze area to watch their exhibition...pretty cool! After that we headed to Sharkies for the week end beach party...and can we say classic? Wow...getting in bed at 6A should say it all right?! Hahaha!!

And then it was off to our homeland...you ever wish you could stay just one more night?? Well I sure did!! BUT then again...the Cayman trip is right around the corner!! WOOHOO!

And here are a couple scenic pics (hehe) last I got recently!

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