So on Wed morning I knew I had to get work done and some sightseeing thrown in at the same time! So I started off with some work and then ventured outside...our hotel was located on the Hudson River to the west and the WTC site to the east. I started off by going to WTC site.

It just takes the wind out of you....LITERALLY. They have finally decided what they are going to build on the site and actually broke ground last weekend. It is going to be quite impressive!

Nothing can replace what we lost on that day...but this is doing a great job trying. From there I walked past Trinity to go to Wall Street and the much power down there. It is just amazing feeling to know you are just outside the stock exchanges

! Then I had to go the "Bull".

Now, for those who don't know what the Bull worries...I didn't either! It has to do with stocks...the bull is good and the bear is bad (I think it is bad...hahaha). And I had to take this pic because there was someone

who stood below the bulls butt...enough said....I hoped on a subway from there to venture on down to Coney Island.

Pretty much the subways take around an hour from the hotel to the site and vise versa. After a little beach

action at our site I jumped on the N train back to Union Square. AND WHO KNEW THAT THE SUBWAY WENT OVER THE MANHATTAN BRIDGE! Talk about an amazing view! I was stunned! Anyways, I got off at Union Square and walked there Farmer's Market. It totally rocked too. So after my walk I hoped back on the subway and headed up to Columbus Circle

. As I got off I saw Central Park

and noticed a Kinkos across the street...which rocked since I had to do a bunch of things for the Qualifier. I hoped back on the subway back down to my hotel...but had to make a final stop in the village. GREY DOG'S!

Oh yea...i got my fave coffee...YEA!! When I got to the hotel, I walked across the street to battery park and the Hudson River. So beautiful! You could see the Statue of Liberty

from there. TOTALLY AWESOME! When I turned around I was looking down

the street where the twin towers would have cast a shadow at this time...totally humbled me. Anyways, another great day...with more to come!
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