So I arrived into JFK, on no sleep mind you and jetting to the trains..from the Airtran to the LIRR to the NJ Transit...I was heading to meet Kristen in her town of Madison, New Jersey. First of all...TRAINS & SUBWAYS ARE NOT TRAVELER FRIENDLY. Hahaha. With that in mind I just had to grin and bear it. Madison was a 35 minute train ride from Penn Station, which was not bad at all. Madison is a cute little town that is old school cute!
It was awesome to see Kris! And I got to meet her baby


...The cutest little boy

(besides my baby boy)! Me and Augie

were intstant friends

...fancy that right? We went on a hike

with Augie and then drove around the country.

It was gorgeous! There is a place called the Great Swamp

too...oh New Jersey! We then went home and had some fun with my lovely Mac computer! Hilarious! And we ended the day with dinner at the Firehouse with kris and her hubby, Danny.
I headed back into the city (Penn Station) and jumped into a cab (because I was done lugging around town). That was my first NYC taxi ride! That was awesome too. And then we pulled up to our hotel...caddy corner from the World Trade Center. Oh yea. CRAZY!
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